
How Greenchoice increased their conversion by 20%

In the first quarter of 2018, the marketing and digital team at Greenchoice focused on improving the digital touchpoint for the energy business proposition.

They improved the look&feel, sharpened the proposition and improved in content creation and readability.

With great first improvements before the research (such as a 37% increase in traffic), Greenchoice wanted to take it to the next level and focus on the digital experience.

What do potential customers think about this new digital environment, in relation to the competition? That is where WUA came in, and the results are very interesting.

Top-line results

+20% Conversion increase
+4% Time-on-site increase
-4% Bounce Rate decrease

For this WUA Client case, we spoke to Didy Bos in June 2018. A talk about their use and feedback of the report, the collaboration with our research and project team, the following up of all the recommendations WUA has given to improve Greenchoice conversion rate and a talk about future digital challenges.

How do you look back on the action workshop and all the recommendations you’ve received? What did it do to the team?

“The workshop was a real revelation for the team and me. It was nice to see that our improvements made in Q1 paid off and we realized a number 4 position ranking with our competitors.
It was also very interesting (and slightly confronting) to see that some of the changes we implemented still needed some adjustments. The workshop provided us a research-based course for the next steps to take, and guidelines to improve the digital experience we provide. With some quick wins already implemented, and some longer-term activities in which are definitely going to put our efforts in.”

What learnings do you find most striking and important?

“Greenchoice always focusses on the ‘what’ in the content we provide. Therefore, we are very honest, research-based and holistic in our written content. However, what we forgot on some of the newly introduced pages is the ‘how’ aspect of certain content sections. How to present the content in such a way that it is easy to read, quick to scan and in a way that customers can easily find what they are looking for.”

How is the Digital Sales Scan report being used on a day-to-day basis?

“The research is used on many levels in our marketing team. Most surprising for me, the research is taken into account when setting up our new marketing campaigns, including out of home and brand campaigns.
In our case, we wanted to change the look & feel of our campaigns and we use the research findings to come up with new directions. The research recommendations are also used for new a/b test idea’s, in our online always-on campaigns and in our website optimizations.”

What are the biggest digital challenges you are facing right now and in the near future?

“The next steps in our mission is ‘making smart products, services and sustainable solutions simple and locally available’. We have numerous ideas to improve our digital experience for this, but for each aspect, we need to take time, test en indicate what helps our customers best. Testing takes time, and we cannot wait to implement our new ideas and provide our customers with smart products and sustainable solutions.”

About Greenchoice

The vision of Dutch Energy supplier Greenchoice is a future where sustainability is 100% self-evident.

Green energy is generated close to customers and is used close to the sustainable source. People are aware of their energy consumption, actively saving energy and generate as much as possible themselves. Everyone has access to affordable and reliable sustainable technologies for this.

Greenchoice wants to help its customers to save and generate energy themselves. They do this by making smart products and services. In addition, sustainable solutions are made simple and are locally available.
